2-17-17 Stephen King’s Skeleton Crew and my writing

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Some thoughts on Skeleton Crew by Stephen King

Two weeks ago, I finished Stephen King’s epic short story anthology “Skeleton Crew”. While I found the book uneven at times (some of the story endings were not as good as the stories themselves), I really enjoyed his descriptions of New England (where I’m from). His descriptive powers are awesome, especially when it comes to describing nature. I also enjoyed the atmosphere King builds through almost over-describing everything. Often he’ll drift off topic, which can be frustrating, but maybe that’s what makes his stories stand out. It felt as if he was speaking to me in person!

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2-8-17 Trump is Fascistic

As many of you know, I strongly disagree with President Trump, his policies and his administration. I believe they are each laced with the worst America has to offer: bigotry, misogyny, and the use of wealth and power to intimidate.

One of the biggest problems right now, however, is that nobody seems willing to call his style of leadership for what it is: fascistic.

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1-20-17 The “Inauguration”

The Trump "Inaugeration"Some Inauguration humor posted to Twitter by @yurionlove. Special thanks to my friend Zeke for spotting it yesterday on Twitter.

I’m so upset about Trump’s “inauguration”. I can’t write it all down here. So I’m purposely staying away from TV coverage of the “inauguration” as my form of protest.

Stay strong Everyone!