2-17-17 Stephen King’s Skeleton Crew and my writing

Thanks so much to all of you for your subscriptions to my blog. You are keeping it number one on Google Search!

Some thoughts on Skeleton Crew by Stephen King

Two weeks ago, I finished Stephen King’s epic short story anthology “Skeleton Crew”. While I found the book uneven at times (some of the story endings were not as good as the stories themselves), I really enjoyed his descriptions of New England (where I’m from). His descriptive powers are awesome, especially when it comes to describing nature. I also enjoyed the atmosphere King builds through almost over-describing everything. Often he’ll drift off topic, which can be frustrating, but maybe that’s what makes his stories stand out. It felt as if he was speaking to me in person!

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4-21-15 Gabriel.Press is now listed on Page One of Google Search Page!

Google results page for the query "writer photographer nyc blog"
Google results page for the query “writer photographer nyc blog”. Gabriel.Press is on Page One!


“Writer Photographer NYC Blog” Page One of Google Search!

After weeks thinking I was no longer being listed on Google Search, I just checked and I’m totally psyched to announce I’m indeed listed: on Google Results Page One, using the following search words “writer director nyc blog”!

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